A fairly normal day in London.

Winkey MISS Winkey.

Why this is, I'm here and she's not is a big questionmark to mee..

Christmas-Noel-Jul is here!

What´s on the baby´s mind?
That is what I am currently devoting all my waking hours to. Those little babies we all once were, and some of us, obviously, to different degrees - still are. Babies. I believe we all need a “mummy” and talking of mummies and babies tonight – I so insanely miss my baby girl in Sweden and my mum. Now. Puhh. Somewhere along the lines I deem I grew up too fast, too often. I rushed into adulthood, I thought I was ready, I was not. I was not even grown up take care of myself, to provide for the very basic needs, as food, sleep and safety. I was on deep water far too many times. Of course I never knew back then. I thought I was ready to say taataa to family and childhood and bonjour to the adulthood. I always ended up crying, calling mum to pick me up.
Ironically, I become more and more equal to a baby then an adult. And I still am in many respects. Here is the thing – I will always be, more or less, a new born baby as she lives within me, not necessarily call mum every time life points finger at me or hit me – but I will always need my mummy, I claim we all do!
Sure, I can only speak for myself, but I think this bond between “a mum and daughter” is one of the most powerful, complicated and loving bond we have with somebody.
I love my mummy! Probably too much. It is hilarious, that she is temporary mummy to my baby back home. Jisses Christ – this came out to be a very mummy and baby post.
So just to wind it up even more “mummy – baby - wise” - give your mum or baby (or both) a big hug and say – thank you for this incredible masterpiece you have created – that is – you!
Mummy and I as "nissar"!
Älskar älskar älskar..

Envisa lilla du.


Mamma och moster

The secret.

Live and learn - from your dog.

Tuesday next weeek?
I miss you a lot. Penny too. My times is out about 1 min.
(Alskar er alltid. Vi lever och mar bra i Paris)

I did it again..
I lixsom..

really, should adapt into the "frensh code" - means - stop drinking Starbucks (beacuase I need a great deal of black coffee, I am so picky about that) in a frensh café. You see my friend Anna`s coffee cup - which is ten times less for a Swedish coffee consumer as I truly am. But on the other hand I am starting to get sick of tired running like "an desperate housewife" in order to find a Starbucks. And so it goes each time it is time for a coffee date. For God sake I am in Paris - not New York.
Mabye less is more even thou it comes to coffee..less coffee is equal more coffee..in a bizarre way..at least I should try. Tomorrow. Hang on.
My Best.
Happy Birthday too You - Penny Pow!

Sunday eve.
Tonight we spoke about Christmas, me and baby. Since I love traveling by car, we are actually thinking by so going to Sweden in December. That should be cozy, just us - me, Raffe and Penny in a car during Christmas time. Time will tell. I have an important exam in December as well as Raffe has a boxing fight somewhere in the middle.
I am glad it`s Monday tomorrow which means the University and back to basic. This weekend has included all potentially feelings, all from misery to highly amusing laughing. Again, I am glad this weekend soon is over, I finished today´s work and I am finally heading for lovely bed. I have a feeling that this night going to be a god night. Also, I am so privileged having you in my life, all of you. Life is indeed god and you`d better remind yourself about that fact every single day, or if you want, moment.
Stay tuned.
Dammit!! - what I love this human being!

In the early morning..

off we went!
We`ll make it.

Nighty my pearls. We talk tomorrow.