Paris today.
I was not able to stop dreaming this night, or more so, acknowledge to myself how beautiful my life is today and visualizing how even more beautiful my life will be! Ever since I received that “hopeful heart” - I cannot really complain and see why I should not exist blissful. Moreover, Paris is gradually develop into a sense – “I am feeling like home”. I am so grateful for my fab flat (oh flat and flat - that is anyhow my experience) on the 7th floor - it gives me a feeling and a sort of connection with heaven above – like - “I am one of God`s neighbor”. Oh well, not actually, but I think you got me. Besides, it’s always nice to have some above perspective what is going on – in the streets of Paris!
Well, I had a cozy yesterday evening with Madame Alzancot – we spoke about Arts and her Gallery in the 8th arrondissement. In addition, it is totally mad how the police security system operates here in Paris. Let me give you a very brief example. My friend Alzancot has an immense Gallery next to the residence of the President of France – Nicolas Sarkozy himself. And, I am sure you can imagine the amount of police officers who are on guard in the region of his property. Well, to my point here – assume that my friends` Gallery is being robbed – the police men cannot even provide with a slightly little helping hand, (even thou they are in a 5 min distance to her Gallery) that means she, herself is the one to call the police and then waiting for them to come. At that time – naturally – her Gallery is probably already robbed and vandalized. Due to my example – she is far away from the equal level of security as her President. Subsequently, the question arose – Liberté, égalité, fraternité - where does that come in here? Sarkozy, would you please explain that, a bit further to me?
Anyway – we drank French fresh milk (in wine glass) and conversed about everything and nothing!
Well, Penny is walked for now, my writing and reading is thereby done – and I am ready for the University. I have an exam at 2:00 pm at Avenue Bosquet today. I am at ease with myself - I believe that once I receive the topic for the essay - my creativity and ideas will arrive!
I hope you all a superb Monday! And an extra thank you to Jamie for stepping in and being my temporary sponsor this week!
Lastly, just keep one thing in mind: LOVE. Again, that’s all we need.
Talk to you later – ciao!
With my 5 senses.
Tabula rasa.
The secret.
Due to the financial crisis or just a severe blog crisis?
Frankly speaking, -what is the crisis with this blog? Essentially, from being one of those “blog addicts” to just about publish nil posts in the latest year – meaning - something is off beam. In other words, it is sad; my blog was in the very beginning created to be a medium where to “lob and drop” all drama, worries, as well - happiness and joy in my life. At someplace, last year - September 2009 a feeling of “it has to be thorough, interesting and perfectly written, if not – I cannot publish it”. That sort of foolishness has come to develop into a baffling issue in my everyday life. Plus, I cannot really see how I may surmount this fairly comfortable mindset of thinking.
Seemingly, the halfway through is “just” by start doing it – to take action, so to speak. My desire to be free of boundaries and write and be whatsoever pops up in mind, is stronger than my fear. Look, it already seems like I initiate a solution here, doesn`t it? Certainly, you guys most think why I waffling about this. Obviously, it seems to be vulnerability and a weakness in my character. Somewhat, I believe that it is ok. Just to make this crystal clear; I was probably not born into this life to be perfect – so l will try to let go and let flow - relying on the nature forces and the authentic child within. The tricky thing is, how to let go of something I ever had? Well, that is not for me to solve. What is on my table today is to go ahead in my imperfect body and mind, regardless the nonsense the voices advising me to do inside. Do you want to keep me company on that path; I mean the imperfect way of existing?
Besides, it is a peaceful and tranquil afternoon. Though, my agenda is stuffed with things to complete – those things are all there for a reason. Further, the majority are fun and passionate things. I really feel like the one and the only boss in my life. It is a powerful feeling. Principally, today`s focus is to prepare myself, as good as I possibly can for an significant exam with an English Professor (just him and I!!) in Gothenburg next week. Thus, my mission is to embrace every tiny little single element in the prevailing topic. Important is and the key to success is to immerse oneself in the chosen field.
Of course, I do, I hear you asking – how am I doing, am I ok? That is a good question. I would say, on a ladder of well being (if there is such a thing) I am somewhere between “I am feeling brilliant and I believe I have a strong potential to contribute with something really important and new to this world – versus – I`d better run and hide from this life – now! That is, in very brief where I am today.
But tell me, how are you wonderful folks doing? I wish you all a fulfilling and interesting Thursday!
Your friend,