You too are included.
It has been a long and demanding day, nevertheless a highly full fledged splendid day! London is providing many dimensions of life and my needs are satisfied at all possible levels tonight. Thats more than good. I am grateful. I have played poker. I have sung as it was my last tunes. I have laughed. I have cried. I have loved and I love in this now. Love the fact that love is all around us for all of us. NO ONE is excluded in Univers' book - everybody is included. So are you, dear reader.
I wish I could say I am tired and sleepy; but I am not, I am to energetic and high on life's unconditional energy this night/morning to fall asleep. Let it so be than. Let it be what it is. I am enjoying being less dramtic and more relaxed and peaceful, at least just for today. I am curious what tomorrow will bring us and I am committed to be as good as I can be! Hope you are too!
Love and Light,
"My internal coach before a run"
"You just need to do it, baby. Really just make up your my mind, over and out - its time - do it. Now baby. Like nothing else really matters than doing it. Doing it. Doing it. Action. Run baby, run".
-but it is pitch-dark and freezing cold outside??
"there is no bad weather, no bad conditions - only wrong mindset and probably training equipment!
And then she was off- out running..around London as it was no tomorrow.
Source of inspiration.